Sunday, December 4, 2011

Testing: Drug Analysis

For this experiment, we were given simulated drugs & three different drug reagent testers for cocaine, LDS & meth. Six “drugs” were set up & in groups of four, we tested them with the reagents for LSD, meth or cocaine. We also tested the pH of each drug for further analysis.
Drug 1- cocaine positive & LSD negative with pH of 6
Drug 2- cocaine positive & LSD negative with pH of 9
Drug 3- cocaine negative & LSD positive with pH of 3
Drug 4- cocaine positive & LSD negative with pH of 7
Drug 5- cocaine negative & LSD positive with pH of 6
Drug 6- cocaine negative & LSD positive with pH of 5

photo curtsey of Casey Wenner


  1. Great!! Similar data. And there wasn't a lot.

  2. I like how you made it simple, with one photo and your data it made it very easy to read and understand.

  3. I've certainly seen worse.
    No further input to make at this point.
