Sunday, December 4, 2011

Handwriting Analysis: History

  • Handwriting analysis dates back as far as the 1600s, when people started to notice the distinctness between the writing & their handwriting 
  • In 1873, Hypolite Michon & Jules Crepieux-Jamin developed the School of Isolated Signs, in attempt to relate specific traits to handwriting
  • In 1910, Milton Newman Bunker (a teacher) was curious about the spacing in his letters compared to the way other people wrote
  • He found the shapes & formations of individual specific letters was unique to each person's handwriting
  • With his curiosity, handwriting analysis was born


  1. I would add a little more to this section, but overall good.

  2. I like how you also made this section nice short and clear it is very easy to understand and read.

  3. I would just add more background and the relation to forensics
